MEANING OF NAME MAHIMA Your name of Mahima has given you an inviting, agreeable nature, and you could exceed expectations in aesthetic, sensational, and melodic articulation. With this name, you want the better things throughout everyday life, except you don't generally have the purpose and essentialness to invest the energy important to satisfy your wants. Your passionate emotions are handily stimulated and you will consistently be associated with others' issues because of your excessively thoughtful nature. You have numerous failure in light of stretching out some assistance to others out of luck, and afterward not accepting any affirmation or response for your liberality. After each experience, you need to prepare for sentiments of distress and self indulgence. You have significant standards and goals, however should fuse greater common sense, framework, and fixation so as to emerge them. MEANING OF MAHIMA IN SANSKRIT - GLORIOUS, HIGHNESS MEANIN...